NGB & Club Support

NGB and Club Support 

A lack of NGB and Club support was a prominent challenge faced by coaches outlined in the Sport Ireland Women in Coaching Report. They noted the following challenges when surveyed:

  • Challenges within the club
  • Negative coaching environment
  • Felt undervalued
  • Lack of value of coaches from the club
  • No venue for training
  • Male dominated
  • Volunteer shortage
  • Lack of respect & support

It’s important that organisations are aware of challenges faced by females in their own sport so that they can take measures to address them. This point reiterates the importance of creating surveys and focus groups with coaches to understand their motivations for coaching, but also the barriers and challenges they face.

For more information see:

Swim Ireland Women in Sport Coaching & Mentoring Programme 

Sport Ireland Women in Coaching Survey

Chapter 3: Developing Coaches Suggested Actions

  • Ensure the Women in Coaching Action Plan developed by the sport has measures in place to address the challenges mentioned above.

  • Create an annual Women in Coaching survey for your sport as a way of providing a mechanism for coaches to provide feedback

  • Issue a statement from the organisation outlining the value placed on female coaches or create a campaign for the organisation and clubs to celebrate women in coaching.

  • Review your own organisations’ pricing structure for coaching courses.

  • Establish events to recognise and reward women coaches where applicable.

  • Write a set of guidelines for clubs suggesting ways in which the clubs can ensure coaches are supported, developed and feel valued, including for example:

    - Equal access to training facilities and equipment.

    - Improved communication practices within the club to all coaches.

    - Fair and equitable budgeting practices with all training groups.

    - Fair and equal representation of all coaches/training groups at club meetings.

    - Subsidised costs for those attending coaching courses.

    - Establish a coaching network in the club.

    - Host a coaches awards/recognition night in the club.

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