County Sligo
16 reviews
Grade Moderate
Length 78.5 km
Time 3 days
Format Linear
Ascent 890 m
Dogs Allowed No
Waymarking Yellow arrow on black background
Start Point
Laragan near Lough Talt
Finish Point
Nearest Town to Start Bunnyconnellan
Grid Ref. G 389 160 / G 802 315
Lat. and Long. 54.08941, -8.93385 / 54.23192, -8.30366

The Sligo Way is an 80 km route that traverses the County of Sligo in the northwest of Ireland from Lough Talt, in the Ox Mountains near the Mayo border, to the town of Dromahair in County Leitrim. There are magnificent views east over to Ben Bulben, north across Donegal Bay to Slieve League and west to the Nephin mountain range from the high moorland in the Ox Mountains during the early part of the route, and some pleasant woodland lakeside sections towards the end. As the route begins in the mountains, the total aggregate ascent over the entire route is only 900 metres, and there are no significant climbs involved at any stage. Attractions along the way include a crannog or early lake dwelling on Lough Talt, megalithic tombs, which are abundant in west Sligo, and WB Yeats's Lake Isle of Inishfree on Lough Gill. But for short boggy and wet sections near Easky Lough, Ballygawley Woods, Lough Lumman and the Lough Gill area, the route provides, in the main, an enjoyable and comfortable walking experience. Terrain consists mainly of forest tracks and ride lines, quiet side roads, and open moorland paths (often wet and boggy in places). There are no accommodation options available for about the first 40 km of the route, but plenty thereafter.

Trail Management

Sligo County Council, Riverside, Sligo. Tel: 071-9156666 Email: info@sligococo.ie Also Sligo LEADER Partnership Co. Development Centre, Cleveragh Road, Sligo. Tel: 071 9141138. Email dkennedy@sligoleader.com


Car parking
At Start - at Largan Church
At End - in Dromahair village
Also at Lough Easkey G 44901 23733; Union Wood G 69313 29477; Ladies Brae G 53176 29046; Slish Wood G 73878 31387 and Innisfree G 77000 32849
On street car parking available in Coolaney, Collooney and Dromahair villages

***Do not bring dogs on any section of the Sligo Way which crosses farmland***
Further information on the Sligo Way visit https://sligowalks.ie/walks/the-sligo-way/

Map Guides

Map Guides

The Sligo Walking Guide is available from the Sligo Tourist Information Centre, Old Bank Building, O'Connell Street, Sligo, F91 VAK2 or by emailing  info@sligowalks.ie.
Maps can also be downloaded from https://sligowalks.ie/walks/the-sligo-way/

OSI Maps

OSI Maps

Discovery Series Sheets 24 and 25
Public Transportation

Public Transportation

At Start: None At End: Bus to Sligo

16 trail reviews
Write your own review of this trail

DD from Galway

Walked from Colooney (at path as it passes underneath N4) to Dromahair (at the Friary) - 21.5k in total. We were concerned that much of the trail would be waterlogged as the weather had been very wet in the previous weeks and right up to that morning. However much of the route was fine - there were boardwalks and plastic mats laid in many areas that were boggy - however some require attention/maintenance. The route is well marked with the yellow man apart from meeting the main road (R287) at a T-Junction where you must turn right for a few hundred metres prior to entering left into Slishwood. Bring supplies of water/food if you require it as it is pretty isolated. Took us 2.05 hours jogging so perhaps 4.5/5 hours walking at a reasonable pace. You wouldn't mountain bike the route in Winter as you would be carrying the bike over boggy ground towards the end of the trail (N of Middle Lough/Killerry). We returned to Markee Castle, Colooney/Ballygawley for some wonderful wholesome food and warmed up next to their large blazing large log fire.

Bernie from United Kingdom

Walked this trail over two days.

Day 1 Lough Talt to Gorthakeerin. Some spectacular scenery but it was mainly road walking the entire day.

Day2 Gorthakeerin to Dromhair. Talk about a walk of two halves. From Collooney to Dromhair the walking is as good as any you will find.

The trail is well marked, we never had a problem keeping to the route (thanks to the yellow man) and used the maps provided by Irish Trails which being picky have two different spellings of Collooney on maps 4 and 5.

Dominic from Dublin

25th June 2013. I walked from Dromahair to Slish Woods, leaving cars at both ends. This really has eveything that a good hike should have - country lanes, deciduous woods, lakeside tracks, and beautiful panoramic views across Lough Gill. The sign-posting was excellent on this part of the trail (but see note below!) Our lovely day was rounded off with delicious warm, homemade scones and tea for two in Stanford's pub in Dromahair - and we still had change from €6.50! Overall, a smashing day's hiking.

Note: As the Sligo Way continues westward from Slish Wood, at a T-junction just before the Way meets the road, there is no directional sign. Go right!

Mike from Roscommon

What a great day out we had well worth a visit.

Fergus from Dublin

Walked from the end at Dromahair (couple of shops) west for about 2 1/2 hours and back. Great walk. Down by Inisfree (WB Yeats got his inspiration) is class, tranquilily at its best. This part of the walk is very flat but very well sign posted and the trail is well maintained. Didn't meet one other walker over the course a Saturday but locals were friendly with a good bit of it on narrow country roads. Defo Recommend.

sore feet from Sligo

We walked the full lenght of the Sligo way in one day. It took 18 hours. Believe me! you walk more than 74 km because in the soft ground you are constantly zig-zaging. It's tough both physically and mentally.

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