Avoca Red Kite Loop
2 km
1 hour
80 m
Dogs Allowed
On a lead
Red arrow on black background
Start Point
Car park opposite church in Avoca Village
Finish Point
Car park opposite church in Avoca Village
Nearest Town to Start
Grid Ref.
T 205 802
Lat. and Long.
52.85936, -6.21098
Maps and other information
External Links
Trail Management
Tel: 0402 35022
Email: avocacourthouse@eircom.net
Shops, pubs, accommodation
Dogs are allowed on leads

OSI Maps
Discovery Series Sheet 62
Aine from Antrim
Spent time in Avoca last week, what a fabulous amenity on your doorstep, the wildflower are fabulous bluebells, buttercups wild garlic and numerous variety of birds & bees. Well done to the community this is a wonderful amenity a haven of wildflower & wildlife.
Tony from Wicklow
I walk this trail at least 3 times a week as I live nearby.
My dogs love it and are well worn out after it as it can be quite hilly in parts.
Well sheltered even in the ever changing climate of Ireland.
Could do with a few resting points just to catch a breath and absorb the various sounds and views.
7 out of 10
My dogs love it and are well worn out after it as it can be quite hilly in parts.
Well sheltered even in the ever changing climate of Ireland.
Could do with a few resting points just to catch a breath and absorb the various sounds and views.
7 out of 10
Bert from Netherlands