Upcoming Events and Programmes

coaches taking part in a workshop

This section identifies upcoming events and programmes delivered by Sport Ireland Coaching. Please refer to the relevant section below for further information.

Coach Development Officer Network Meetings & Workshops

These meetings and workshops are for those people in NGBs who are responsible for the development and implementation of coach and instructor development programmes and opportunities. For more information please contact the Coach Education Development Officer assigned to your organisation or email annmcmahon@sportireland.ie


Date & Time

13th March 2024


Sport Ireland Campus


Dublin 15

Learner Management Systems

NGBs provide an overview and evaluation of the Learner Management Systems they use to support their coach and instructor education programmes


17th April 2024


CDPI Consultation

Consultation with NGB Coach & Instructor Development Officers on proposals for the revision of the Coaching Development Programme for Ireland (CDPI)

28th & 29th May 2024

Sport Ireland Campus


Dublin 15

Sport Ireland Sports Development Officer Conference

Coaching topics and times to be confirmed

12th June 2024


Sport Ireland Campus


Dublin 15

CPD for Coaches & Instructors

Examining what development opportunities NGBs are offering coaches and instructors and how these fit into their overall development programme / process

11th September 2024


Physical Literacy for Coaches

Exploring how the latest thinking on physical literacy is relevant to coaches and instructors and to coach education and development

16th October 2024



Supporting anyone who will be involved in the development of their NGB's plans for developing and running their coach and instructor development programmes for 2025

13th November 2024 10:00-12:00

Sport Ireland Campus


Dublin 15

Programme Evaluation & Feedback

Looking at what is being done, or could be done, by NGBs to improve and enhance their coach and instructor development offerings through the use of evaluation and feedback


Programme Development Workshops

This is a series of workshops that aims to support anyone involved in the development or review of a coach or instructor education programme. 
Participants must have an NGB Coach or Instructor programme to develop or review. As well as the workshops participants will need to factor in time to work on their programmes and to link in with the Sport Ireland Coach Education Development Officer assigned to their sport. For more information on these workshops please contact Tony Wright or email coachinginfo@sportireland.ie 


Date Venue Topic

7th March 2024

1 hour


What this series of workshops aim to achieve, how and what do 
participants need to do to take part.

28th March

2 hours


Identifying the steps in developing a coach or instructor education programme
for your NGB and the structures & resources that you going to need?

24th April TBD
Needs Analysis

What does your coach / instructor programme aim to achieve? Linking to 
participation pathways, coach & instructor pathways, CDPI frameworks

6th June TBD
Programme Development 1

Syllabus Development & programme supports

25th September TBD
Programme Development 2

Syllabus Development & programme supports

30th October TBD
Programme Validation

Looking at the process for getting your programme evaluated for inclusion on 
the CDPI. 

Certificate in Sports Coach Development

Information on upcoming programmes that lead to the Certificate in Sports Coach Development (QQI recognised award) are available here. This programme is for experienced sports coaches who want to be involved in the development and support of coaches. The programme enables learners to deliver coach education courses accredited under the Coaching Devleopment Programme for Ireland (CDPI) with a National Governing Body of sport (NGB) and to design and deliver coach support programmes in formal and non-formal settings. Applicants for this programme must be nominated by their NGB.

Coach Developer Assessor Training

This training is for experienced Coach Developers who would like to support the development of Coach Developers in their NGB and assess trainee Coach Developers. Applicants must hold a CDPI Coach Developer qualification. Information on Coach Developer Assessor training can be found here

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Opportunities for Coach Developers and Coach Developer Assessors

Information on upcoming CPD opportunities for existing Coach Developers and Coach Developer Assessors can be found here. Applicants must be qualified Coach Developers or Coach Developer Assessors to avail of the relevant CPD.

Tutor Training

Sport Ireland Coaching offer tutor training programmes in a number of different areas (see below). These programmes enable learners to deliver workshops in the relevant area. Dates for upcoming tutor training programmes will be identified here, once available. For further information please contact coachinginfo@sportireland.ie 


Physical Literacy Tutor Training 

  • 11th May 2024,10.00-18.00, Sport Ireland Campus, Blanchardstown
  • 16th Nov 2024, 10.00-18.00, Sport Ireland Campus, Blanchardstown


Coaching Children Tutor Training

  • Dates to be identified


Coaching Teenage Girls Tutor Training

  • Dates to be identified


Positive Parents Tutor Training

  • Dates to be identified

Coaching Teenage Girls Workshops

These workshops are designed for anyone involved in coaching teenage girls. They provide coaches with an understanding of the needs of teenage girls in sport and key considerations when coaching girls 12-17 years old.  There are three options for booking these workshops

  1. Sport Ireland Coaching: You can contact Sport Ireland Coaching directly to book a workshop at coachinginfo@sportireland.ie or view the schedule of workshops for 2024 here
  2. National Governing Body (NGB): Some NGBs have customised the workshop to their sport and are delivering these workshops. Please contact your NGB for further details
  3. Local Sport Partnership (LSP): Many LSPs deliver these workshops. Contact your nearest LSP for further details