Research Grants Scheme

"Sport Ireland will establish purposeful collaborations between research, policy and practice that can generate insights to shift our shared understanding, shape our solutions and improve our actions" 

Sport Ireland Research Strategy 2021-2027

The Research Grants Scheme is a new funding scheme to support research endeavours for the Irish sports sector, which is a fundamental aim of the new Sport Ireland Research Strategy. The aim of this fund is to seek innovative applications that support Actions from the National Sports Policy, the National Physical Activity Plan and the Sport Ireland Statement of Strategy.

It provides an opportunity for sporting bodies to undertake research on issues that are relevant to their own unique contexts. Further, it provides a platform for National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs), Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs) or Sport Ireland Funded Bodies to build meaningful relationships with the third level sector and research consultants whilst building their understanding and capability on how to do research.

Please see relevant tabs below for more information.