Women in Coaching Research
In June 2020, Sport Ireland released its first ever Women in Coaching Survey. This survey aimed to gather the most up to date information from active and inactive coaches/instructors in Ireland on their coaching experiences in order to help inform the development of future plans, programmes and initiatives for female coaches in the country.

Research Findings
Through analysing the results of the survey and follow up focus groups, Sport Ireland aimed to:
- Develop a more in-depth understanding of the status of women in coaching roles on the island of Ireland,
- Investigate the challenges and opportunities to increase the numbers of women coaching across all sports and at all levels,
- Use the feedback to develop good practice programmes, resources or strategies available for NGBs and LSPs to utilise, that will lead to successful recruitment, retention, development and progression of women in coaching.
Following a thematic analysis of both survey responses and focus group data, nine themes emerged. These themes are outlined in more detail in the Sport Ireland Women in Coaching Report 2021 and are depicted below:
Resulting from this analysis and additional research on women in coaching, Sport Ireland have developed this Coaching Toolkit. The information contained is aimed at supporting those who recruit, develop and support women coaches.