It's My Time

It's My Time
It’s My Time is a campaign for women over 40 who feel like there’s just not enough time to add movement, exercise and their favourite pastimes into their day-to-day.
At Sport Ireland, we understand that the more your to-do list grows, the harder it can be to actually make time for yourself, so the #ItsMyTime campaign is here as a reminder that you are worth making time for.
Whether it’s a quick dip in the pool, a walk around the estate or a catch-up with the girls while you play your favourite sport, exercise and movement can help you feel like your best self... and you deserve that. If you’re ready to remember or find out how good exercise, sport and movement makes you feel, it’s time to feel your best—you just have to give yourself the chance. #ItsMyTime.
Watch Our Campaign Videos Here:
You’re Worth Making Time For!
If making time for yourself doesn’t seem like the easiest thing to do, here are some ways you can make time for you and all the benefits that come with it.
The Whole Community is Supporting You
Together with Sport Ireland, communities across Ireland are there to help you make time for you. Local Sports Partnerships and National Governing Bodies like are amazing community-driven resources that are there to help you feel your best. Whether you’re looking to join a new club, find a group you can go on evening walks with, or you want to get back into the sport you always loved when you were younger, your local community group is waiting for you. You’re worth making time for, and these clubs, groups and community functions can help you do it.