Girls Get Active Hackathon

Many teenage girls across Ireland are missing out on the benefits of sport and physical activity because they don’t think they are “sporty enough”, they don’t know where or how to get involved, and they don’t think there are opportunities for them to be involved in sport other than traditional team sports.
Use your voice to help these teenage girls realise that sport and physical activity can be a part of their lives and that sport is for everyone, including them.
Be part of the Sport Ireland Girls Get Active Hackathon and help us tackle the challenge of inactivity by being part of the solution.
The Goal
Following extensive research, Sport Ireland in conjunction with Women in Sport released the Adolescent Girls Get Active Report. This report studied the attitudes, needs and desires of teenage girls toward sport and physical activity. It identified the challenges and barriers to participation and developed practical advice on marketing and messaging to address the challenge.
Now is the time to put this report in to action. Sport Ireland wants to create a number of pilot programmes aimed specifically at teenage girls.
By combining the insights of the above research, the knowledge and expertise in Sport Ireland along with your voice through a virtual Hackathon, we can can make a real impact and create a programme that not only interests teenage girls but inspires them to take part and to make sport and physical activity a part of their lives.
What is a Hackathon?
A Hackathon is a short concentrated event that brings people together to brainstorm and share a range of creative and innovative ideas around a challenge. It’s a great way for people to come together, share ideas and create positive change in society.
Who should get involved?
For this hackathon we are looking for individuals and groups from all ages and all backgrounds, to get involved including; girls in secondary school, TY students, teachers, parents, third level students, researchers, sport development officers, NGB and LSP staff.
Basically, if you have an idea that you think could be turned into a great programme for teenage girls or if you have a passion for promoting sport and physical activity among teenage girls and want to be part of the solution then this Hackathon event is for you!
How does it work?
The Hackathon will take place online via Zoom in April.
Day 1: Friday April 16th 4pm-6pm
- Group Learning and Understanding - Day one will involve presentations and updates from Sport Ireland staff to further outline the problem to be addressed. The facilitator will begin the process of discovery and analysis.
Day 2: Saturday April 17th 10am-12pm
- Research & Brainstorming Ideas - Groups will begin to brainstorming and come up with different ideas
Day 3: Sunday April 18th 10am
- Consolidating Ideas: Groups further refine their best ideas and prepare to submit it
Friday 30th April 4pm:
- Showcase Event: Sport Ireland will shortlist the ideas and announce the winners
How do I get involved?
Getting involved is very easy, you can join as part of a group or simply join as an individual.
Step 1: Register your interest here
Step 2: Read through the guidance material and other Hackathon resources in advance so that you get the most out of the sessions
Step 3: Attend the Hackathon Days in April. The facilitator will help everyone to brainstorm and develop ideas as a group. All you need is a device with access to Zoom
Stage 4: Join us for the awards ceremony after the Hackathon where the top four ideas will be selected
Why should I get involved?
By taking part in the Sport Ireland Girls Get Active Hackathon you will be part of the solution to tackle female adolescent inactivity and sport dropout. Your voice will contribute directly to the creation and development of a new programme aimed directly at encouraging young girls to be more active and to reconnect them with sport and physical activity.
You will be part of a team of like minded individuals tackling a nationwide problem in an innovative way, developing collaboration and problem solving skills that will benefit you in your own life and career.