Local Sports Plan

Local Sports Plan

Local Sports Plan

Under the Government’s National Sports Policy 2018-2027, Local Authorities are positioned as key stakeholders in the context of public spaces for sport and physical activity as well as providing opportunities for participation initiatives. Under Action 8 of the National Sports Policy 2018 -2027, Sport Ireland has been given the directive to support Local Authorities in developing their Local Sports Plans. This action states:

"We will establish, through Sport Ireland, an initiative to support Local Authorities in developing Local Sports Plans consistent with the overall vision and objectives of this National Sports Policy. The Local Plan will review needs and set out actions to increase participation locally. It will be developed and implemented in cooperation with Local Sports Partnership (LSPs), clubs, communities, and partners within and beyond sport."

The Government has stated that Local Authorities are uniquely positioned 

  • To be charged within the policy with a formal leadership role in facilitating the drive towards greater participation at a local level throughout the population 
  • To foster a strong sense of collaboration across traditional boundaries with key roles for clubs, LSPs, community groups, leisure centres and other partners locally

 Recognising the pivotal role of the Local Authorities and in light of the participation trends, each Local Authority is asked to develop a Local Sports Plan to increase participation locally, in a manner consistent with the vision and objectives set down in this National Sports Policy and taking appropriate account of any existing plans.

 To do this, each Local Authority is asked to work with the LSP, with partners on the Local Community Development Committees (LCDC) and CYPSC, with clubs, schools, leisure facility providers, community groups and other stakeholders.

As a result of four piloted Local Sports Plans, a suite of templates has been established to support the remaining Local Authorities in the development of their county's Local Sports Plans.