Registered Testing Pool
What is the Registered Testing Pool (RTP)?
The RTP is a list of elite athletes, agreed between the NGB and Sport Ireland, who meet certain criteria (outlined below). Sport Ireland will notify in writing athletes that are included in the RTP.
Criteria for inclusion in the Registered Testing Pool
One or more of the following criteria is used to select an athlete for inclusion in the Registered Testing Pool:
Athletes on the carding scheme in the Contract, World Class and International categories
Athletes in the developmental category from high risk sports listed in the Council's Test Distribution Plan and other sports targeted by the Council
Olympic or Paralympic Qualifiers
Athletes who are included in an International Federation RTP
Any athlete currently serving a period of ineligibility
Any athlete who wishes to return from retirement and was previously in the Registered Testing Pool
Any other athlete that is required to be target tested under Clause 4.4.2 of the International Standard for Testing