About Us

The Sport Ireland Institute is set up to influence, support and ensure that talented Irish athletes achieve sustained levels of excellence in elite sport.

By working with a network of highly experienced, quality assured service providers, Sport Ireland Institute ensures that athletes have access to the sports science and sports medicine that they need to achieve sustained levels of excellence in elite International sport.

We Support Athletes

Athletes are what the Institute is all about. They are the ultimate focus of all our activities at the Institute.

We Support Coaches

The Pursuit of Excellence Programme (PEP) is the umbrella programme for people development within the Institute

We Support Sports

Sport Ireland Institute works with the high performance focus sports on the preparation and development of their annual elite performance plans.

We Support Expertise

Sport Ireland Institute has been set-up to create an environment which influences, supports and ensures that talented Irish athletes achieve sustained levels of excellence in elite sport

Contact Sport Ireland Institute

+353  1  809 7865


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